Wednesday, July 27, 2011

my journey to my artist mission

The other night I went to a b'day party with Ashley for one of her school friends.  It was at Incredible Pizza.  Anyone that has been there knows why I stayed around -- the place is crazy!  During the actual party time, in the b'day room with everyone, I was able to sit down and chat with some of the moms of kids from Ashley's class.

One mom and I got into a nice convo about art, owning your own business, etc.   She has a desire in her heart to do something with photography.  She gets that natural high all artists get when they finally find their passion.  She asked me simply, how I started.  And my answer was -- well, I opened up my shop.

In fact, it took more than that.  So what did it take? What did I do to get to this point?  Well, first there had to be a mission behind it all.

I knew something was growing in my heart when I felt that twinge of jealousy when I saw others out there pursuing their art dream.  It was a good jealousy because it got me moving.  I was still in school, getting my Graphic Design degree, while working full time, being a mommy and a wife and a housekeeper.  I was busy enough already.  I knew if I was going to do this thing, I would need to give myself time.  It wasn't going to happen fast!

I gave myself the year 2010 to design and pray.  I knew the Lord had put in me this desire to create art for Him.  But the direction/mission behind this art -- for that answer, I needed quiet reflection.

I didn't put much pressure on myself.  It was not a race.  I was in school - so always designing. Those late nights of working on designs for school assignments kept me creating.  And with each assignment and project, I tried to incorporate my faith one way or another.

I knew, though, that when it came to Christian art, I had to tread lightly.  It had to be well thought-out with room/time for prayer.  I was aware that I was stepping into an arena where what I created would be representing my Lord.  I did not want to use His name if it wasn't purely for Him.  Some of my designs do incorporate old hymn lyrics, but most everything I do is straight from the Bible.

It has been my experience, life is not easy.  We all have our valleys.  We all have our mountaintops, too.  It is what we do with our time while on the mountaintop that will determine how we spend our time in the valleys.

My mission started to solidify in my heart ... I wanted to bring God's word into people's everyday lives in hopes of bringing God's healing love into people's hearts.  Art licensing -- having my art on everyday objects started to appeal to me because of how much those pieces of art help me in my daily life.

As an example -- I have a coffee cup that I absolutely LOVE. It has a verse from one of my favorite books in the Bible - Lamentations 3 ... "Morning by morning, new mercies I see."  That verse is now imprinted on my heart.  I didn't need an index card to carry around with me to memorize it.  I just lived my life, and because of this artist's work, that verse lives in my heart.  My hope is that the Lord can use my art for others like he used this piece of art on this one coffee cup in my life.

And that is sort of my journey to how I grew to know my artist mission.

I have this mission printed on cards, and I include them with each product I sell.  Here it is:

my ART is based on Psalm 119:11

"I have hidden YOUR word in my heART."
It takes God's word in my heART to keep me chugging through
my ridiculously crazy busy
and at most times heART lifting
but sometimes heART breaking
but most of ALL incredibly BLESSED life.

 My hope is that a piece of art I create brings you
closer to God's word
and the peace that comes from knowing Him.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

a poem for me by my dad

My dad wrote me the most AMAZING poem to celebrate my birthday yesterday.  I am posting it here to celebrate him on Father's Day.  Thanks dad!!!!  I love you!!!

On Grandma Shively’s birthday
June 18, 1973
We saw another life begin
A girl named Amy Lee

Her older sister, Lisa
Three years older than she
They looked a lot alike
But were opposite as could be

You see, Lisa was neat
Everything in its place
Amy was different
Always running out of space

She had many interests
Music, sports and such
She loved the Detroit Pistons
And Dennis Rodman very much

Her personality was unique
She would be up and then down
We all agreed when she announced
That she would love to be a clown

She loved country music
And certainly had the passion
She even wrote some songs
And dressed in country fashion

Probably her first love
That really made her smile
Was a black Ford Tempo
That she drove around in style

Having a creative mind
It would constantly be busy
Seeking better ideas
Drove employers a little crazy

She didn’t fit their mold
Not that she didn’t care
Structure and routine
Became a frustrating snare

She jumps from job to job
Hoping she will find
Someone in the world
Who would appreciate her mind

One of those jobs
Was working at A.I.B.
But her creative side was stifled
It wasn’t the place to be

Then tragedy strikes
Amy loses a friend
A blow to her soul
Her world crashes in

She then discovers a strength
One only God can give
An example for us all
Through adversity how to live

At that tragic time
Her emotions at wits end
She needed a loving companion
Lexi became her friend

Amy had tough times
More than most could bear
But her faith sustained her
Knowing Jesus would always care

And finally it happens
She finds the perfect place
Meredith nurtures her talent
Without being in her face

When Amy met Ryan
It didn’t take long to see
That his good looks and disposition
Made him the perfect husband to be

Their personalities seemed to blend
Finding the middle was the key
Amy is quick to react
Ryan likes to sit back and see

By nature she is driven
Once her creative side kicked in
It said, “make candles”
And then the work began

Off to farmers market
Set her candles up to sell
Wow! They were so creative
Her sales did very well

The next creation for Amy
Came from Heaven above
Baby Morgan was born
For Ryan and Amy to love

Then came little Ashley
Born on a special day
You see her aunt and cousin
Were born the same week in May

And you may happen to notice
In Morgan and Ashley’s room
Creations they have made
DNA starting to bloom

Amy provides a home
Where imagination rules
The girls have freedom to create
Amy and Ryan supply the tools

Amy’s creative mind
Drives her behavior
But she reserves a spot
For her beloved Lord and Savior

And hard as it may seem
While being wife, mother, employee
She decides to study design
And obtain a college degree

Ah, the city of Pittsburgh
Where Steelers and Pirates are great
But we love its Art Institute
Where Amy will graduate

The Shively girls are unique
Each in their own way
They truly love each other
They connect most every day

Today we celebrate Amy
On this very special day
Wife, mother, college graduate
But there is one thing left to say

If grandmother Shively
Could have been here today
I’m sure she would join us in saying
We love you Amy
Have a Happy Birthday!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

our week in photos

{{this week in photos}}

{{ashley being silly while morgan shows me some school stuff}}

{{more silliness by ashley; more explaining by morgan}}
...and yes, ashley has a belt on her wrist...

{{morgan still talking; ashley posing}}

{{some snuggle time -- the dog on morgan's lap}}

{{another shot of the dog laying on morgan}}

{{morgan's cute little feet }}

{{a close-up of sweet ashley}}

{{a close-up of silly ashley}}

{{ryan and the dog hanging out during the tornado warning}}

{{and me at work -- i look thrilled, don't i???}}