I was taking a walk today to get my daily coffee. It's a new thing I've started. Since I work from home, my "steps" are lacking. And I live close to our town square!
Anyways, I was thinking about white lies when I was walking. It started out by commending myself for being such an honest person. And then I slapped myself back into reality -- no one on this earth is a completely honest person. I try, I'll give myself that -- and I'm much better than I used to be. But - well, I grew up with people pleasers. And when trying to please people, little white lies happen.
A few years ago, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit and, in my heart, began a transformation. I began to realize when I was lying. And I began to see it for what it was -- I was making myself a untrustworthy person.
And then -- and this is where I think the conviction in my heart took place -- I realized how hurt the other person would be if they knew I was being untruthful.
Right here - while I am writing this - I want to assure you they weren't huge lies. You know -- that I'm not that bad of a person. But seriously -- why does that even matter? A sin is a sin to our holy God. And while as followers of Jesus, we are saved from our sins -- He does not want us to sin. With each life choice -- do not sin.
I leave you with this -- Proverbs that I read a few days ago. Could be why I was thinking about honesty and dishonesty.
Proverbs 11:1 -- The LORD hates cheating and delights in honesty.
Proverbs 11:3 -- The good man is guided by honesty; the evil man is destroyed by his dishonesty.