Thursday, September 12, 2013

expect flowers

It takes incredible faith to keep believing for flowers when you are walking through a desert. But flowers are promised. Keep believing!!!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I am a believer

"By the grace of God, I am what I am." 2Co 15:10

I am a believer. 

I believe in God’s leading. I believe God’s word speaks directly to me as I walk this life. I believe He is using my everyday circumstances to speak to me – and teach me, guide me, and mold me as I study His word daily.

I believe life isn’t always easy. I believe it takes hard times to grow in faith.  Just as God took the Israelites through the wilderness, but continued to provide for them and guard them as they traveled --  I believe He is providing for me and guarding me as I walk. 

I am a believer.